All of the information below can be found in this printable PDF.
BIPOC Substance Use Resources
BIPOC Only Recovery Dharma: A virtual support group for BIPOC in recovery that is inspired by Buddhist techniques.
IHS Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention: This program is focused on methamphetamine and suicide prevention and intervention resources for Indian Country. This initiative promotes the use and development of evidence-based and culturally appropriate prevention and treatment approaches.
One Sky Center: This group is working to improve the prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use problems among Native people through mentorship and access to resources.
Tribal Affairs: Information on services the government agency provides to Native American communities to prevent suicide and substance abuse.
White Bison: An American Indian/Alaska Native non-profit charitable organization offering sobriety, recovery, addictions prevention, and wellness (Wellbriety) learning resources to the Native American/Alaska Native community nationwide.
YMSM + LGBT Center of Excellence: This organization delivers culturally responsive and evidence-based prevention and treatment services for minority lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations dealing with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.