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Social Work Resources: BIPOC Resources for Domestic Violence

BIPOC Resources for Domestic Violence

All of the information below can be found in this printable PDF.

BIPOC Resources for Domestic Violence

The Bradley Angle Healing Roots Program: A program that provides resources that offer healing and connection for Black survivors of domestic abuse. They provide a 24-hour crisis line at 503-235-5333.

INCITE!: A network of radical feminists of color organizing to end state violence and violence in our homes and communities.

The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA): This is a Women of Color-led non-profit committed to ensuring that systems-wide policies and social change initiatives related to sexual assault are informed by critical input and direction of Women of Color.

The Network/LA Red: A social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, SM, polyamorous, and queer communities through anti-oppression principles, organizing, education, and the provision of support services. They also provide a 24-hour crisis line at 617-742-4911.

No More: This foundation is dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault against all genders by increasing awareness, inspiring action, and fueling cultural change.

Strong Hearts Native Helpline: Chat online daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT with this safe, anonymous and confidential domestic, dating, and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally appropriate support and advocacy. They also provide a 24/7 helpline at 1-844-762-8483.

Women of Color Network Inc.: This group works in and beyond the fields of domestic violence and sexual assault to address a broad range of violence affecting communities of color such as human trafficking, police brutality, and over-incarceration.